One Year PGD
One year post graduate diploma program in ‘Women Studies’ has been successfully running under this department since 1996. The contents of the course focus on gender and its related issues. It seeks to develop professionally qualified graduates who will be employed by development agencies that engage in programs to promote women’s empowerment and gender equality. The knowledge gained from this program will help students to viewthings through gender lens and better understand women’s problems and issues and incorporate these learning in their professional life. Daya Foundation has continuously provided scholarship to the students for their research work. This program will be carried out in semester system form the academic year 2076/077.
More than 80 percent of the students applied their knowledge gained through this program in their professional life – Development, Private, Education, Medical and Government sectors. In addition, the graduates contribute directly to the society by encouraging them to support and uplift women who are experiencing social inequality.
Course Objectives of One Year PGD in Women Studies:
After completion of the course student should be able to:
- promote the advancement of women and tostrengthen their role in the development process
- utilize knowledge and skills in gender issues in cost effective way
- view things through gender lens and better understand women’s problems and issues
- research and analyze gender issues
The program encourages the applications from strongly motivated women from all disciplines with a minimum Bachelor Levelor its equivalent from any university, board or institution recognized by Tribhuvan University.
This course provides with lots of prospects:
There is a scope of the job to graduates in different development organization who have completed this course active in research work. More than a thousand graduates have completed this since its inception. The graduates have been working in GOs, NGOs, INGOs and schools, colleges and self-employment as well as to establish their organizations.
The graduates of PGDWS have received an opportunity to study in abroad on Master’s in Women Studies/Gender Studies course such as in AIT (Thailand), ISS Hague, Netherland, India, Australia and Nepal.
Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s Study (Course of Study)

The Following Course is going to introduce very soon
Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s Study (Semester System)

This course of study is designed to meet the needs of the students today, who expect a more professional and focused academic discipline in dietetics. Central department of Home Science offers Dietetic and Public Health Nutrition (DPHN) degree accredited by Dean Office, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University. This curriculum has been designed to produce efficient professionals particularly in Dietetics especially in Clinical and Public Health Nutrition.
Now a day most of the renowned hospitals as well as clinic demand at least of recognized dietitian. The sector for dieticians and nutritionists is expanding fast, opening up many exciting job opportunities. These careers are directed towards helping people improve their health and as a result lead a productive life.

Course Objectives of One Year PGD in Women Studies:
After completion of the course student should be able to:
- Understand the principles of nutrition and dietetics
- Demonstrate strong communication skills and counseling
- Educate and guide clients about nutrition and dietetics
- Assess and diagnose issues related to nutrition
- Gather and evaluate information on client’s health
- Develop and modify diets and nutrition care programs for clients
- Understand National policies and programs in public health and nutrition
To do Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition (DPHN), one should have completed bachelor’s degree in B.Sc., Food Technology, and Public Health Nutrition and/or has completed 100 marks (3 credits) in Food and Nutrition from any university recognized by Tribhuvan University. The selection of the students for admission will be based on their merit in the entrance examination. Entrance examination is mandatory for enrollment.
This course provides with lots of prospects:
After successfully completion of this course, students can work independently in a variety of employment settings, including health care, food and beverage industry, community, public health, foodservice and research.